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this is a cool idea! Very similar to Footsies.

Hi what version of Godot was this made in? Just wondering because I'm totally not going to study your code in excruciating detail *wink wink*

Listen... how else am I going to figure out how to make fighting games in an engine people didn't care about until January?

Made in 3.2 at the time, but 3.5 should(?) work fine. Though not sure this codebase is the best to study from, it's a pretty nontraditional fighting game and the code is quite messy lol

yeah I noticed. I ripped it with GDRE tools and saw the most confusing code of my life lol

For future reference (for anyone else as well), the game is already open source!

oh sweet. Thanks for the tip!


Cool game,  passed the arcade for all the characters

yo-yona is my favorite character, no particular reason why ;)

when it showes the option for preview menus i can get out of it\

figured it out



had a blast playing this <3 I'd suggest improving the hitboxes a little bit (esp. with Reaper Angel, her Crescent Moon feels quite inconsistent to use tho I don't think changing the speed is needed cause at least it takes a bit of thought to time it well when dodging projectiles), but outside of that, really fun :3


great game

and if you are crying because the frog, just get good


Unbalanced as all hell, but fun!

The hyperest of fights


this game is shit, because it has no balance you can win anything by just spammin the frog 


Don't know what to say. But I give five stars for this game.


Shoto Goto 02:39:133


Reaper Anjel Record:03:28:133


My feats in this game were done in hard mode on the keyboar


This game is amazing, even though the characters have the same attack pattern I was amazed to see such a different style of the Reaper angel character very difficult to use but easy to die if you are going to fight against it takes time to get used to playing with her

(1 edit) (-1)

Don McRon Record:03:11:750


Yo-Yona Record:03;30;016

(2 edits) (-1)

Vince Volt Record:02:33:483 I love this game :)




good game i play this everyday(maybe)

Really nice game :)

(1 edit)

Let me see the script for player movement, please. I'm trying to create a fighting game too I'm stuck on creating the controls.


Every character has their own specials skillset, making some opponents especially easy, or super nasty. Love it :D!

when i try to pick a character on keyboard when i press enter to a character it wont work :(


you have to press attack to select a character


epic game


guud game :)